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Dynamic Variables

Most properties are auto-filled with default values to save you time to enter or select values for them. You can manually enter data for them as well, but we recommend you use the Insert button to insert dynamic data for properties.

Insert dynamic data for properties

When clicking the Insert button, you'll see a popup with a list of supported dynamic variables for properties. You can search for them (by title) or simply click any of them to insert into the property value input box.

Dynamic variables have the format {{ name }}, where name is the variable name. You can insert multiple dynamic variables and/or custom text in the text box for the property value.

Below is the list of the dynamic variables supported by the plugin:

Post variables

{{ post.title }}The post title
{{ post.ID }}The post ID
{{ post.excerpt }}The post excerpt
{{ post.content }}The post content
{{ post.url }}The post URL
{{ }}The post published date
{{ post.modified_date }}The post modified date
{{ post.thumbnail }}The post thumbnail URL (full size)
{{ post.comment_count }}The number of comments for the post
{{ post.word_count }}The number of words of the post content
{{ post.tags }}The post tags, separated by commas
{{ post.categories }}The post categories, separated by commas
{{ post.custom_field.$name }}The post custom field (meta) value. $name should be replaced by the meta key.

Note that when selecting Custom field from the Insert dropdown, a popup will appear that lets you select the custom field to insert into the input box.

Post author variables

{{ author.ID }}The author ID
{{ author.first_name }}The author first name
{{ author.last_name }}The author last name
{{ author.display_name }}The author display name
{{ author.username }}The author username
{{ author.nickname }}The author nick name
{{ }}The author email
{{ author.website_url }}The author website's URL
{{ author.nicename }}The author nicename
{{ author.description }}The author description (bio)
{{ author.posts_url }}The URL to the author's archive page
{{ author.avatar }}The URL to the author's (Gr)avatar

Current user variables

Current user variables are similar to the author variables. The only difference is that instead of the prefix author, it uses user prefix.

For example: {{ user.display_name }} is the current user display name.

Site variables

{{ site.title }}The site title
{{ site.description }}The site description (tagline)
{{ site.url }}The site URL