Slim SEO Link Manager works nicely with most plugins. It allows you to analyze content from these plugins and give you correct reports for links.
Custom fields plugins​
Slim SEO Link Manager can also analyze content from custom fields. To enable this feature, you need to use the slim_seo_link_manager_post_custom_fields
filter to add custom fields to the plugin.
add_filter( 'slim_seo_link_manager_post_custom_fields', function( $fields ) {
$fields[] = 'my-text-field';
return $fields;
After running this filter, the plugin will get the content of the custom field (in the example above, the meta key of the custom field is my-text-field
) and analyze that content to find links and add to the reports.
The filter slim_seo_link_manager_post_custom_fields
works with simple text custom field. So, we recommend using a text custom field to enter your content. You can do it easily with plugins like ACF or Meta Box.
If you want to analyze links in a complex custom fields, like Meta Box's group or ACF's flexible content, please use the filter slim_seo_link_manager_text
. This filter allows you to modify the text that's used to analyze for links.
add_filter( 'slim_seo_link_manager_text', function( $text, $post_id ) {
// Get your custom fields' values.
$your_text = '';
$text .= $your_text;
return $text;
}, 20, 2 );
Here is an example using the filter to get content from ACF's flexible content:
add_filter( 'slim_seo_link_manager_text', function( $text, $post_id ) {
// Getting content from a flexible content group.
$field_data = get_field( 'article_builder' );
$result = [];
array_walk_recursive( $field_data, function( $v ) use ( &$result ) {
$result[] = $v;
} );
$your_text = implode( ' ', $result );
return $text;
}, 20, 2 );
Page builder plugins​
For page builder plugins, Slim SEO Link Manager gets content built with them and use this content for analyze internal and external links.
- Beaver Builder
- Breakdance
- Bricks Builder
- Divi
- Elementor
- Oxygen Builder
Other plugins​
- Polylang