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Custom JSON-LD

If you're an advanced user and want to add and edit schemas with custom JSON-LD code, then Slim SEO Schema has that for you.

Select Custom JSON-LD from the list of available schemas:

Custom json-ld

Then in the schema panel, paste your JSON-LD code into the textarea box:

Enter custom JSON-LD code

You can still insert the dynamic variables into your JSON-LD code as follows:

Using dynamic variables in JSON-LD code

And the plugin will render the variables on the front end.


Your custom JSON-LD code may contains <script> tag or only the JSON code. The plugin automatically detects that and works well in both cases.

Using custom JSON-LD code with dynamic variables is a great and flexible way to control your schema output.

After finish adding or editing JSON-LD code, don't forget to set the location for the schema.