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Slim SEO Schema is a WordPress plugin. Installing it is similar to installing any other WordPress plugin:

  • Go to My Account page and download the plugin's .zip file.
  • In your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New and click the Upload Plugin button.
  • Select the downloaded .zip file to upload and click the Install Now button.
  • Activate the plugin.

Slim SEO Schema doesn't require Slim SEO to work. That means you can use Slim SEO Schema separately as an individual plugin, or you can use it with Slim SEO.

Slim SEO Schema also works with any SEO plugin such as Yoast SEO, RankMath, SEO Framework, and SEOPress, ...

After installing, go to Settings > Slim SEO to access the plugin's settings page.

Slim SEO Schema settings page

If you have Slim SEO activated, then you'll find Slim SEO Schema under the same menu, but in a different tab:

Slim SEO Schema with Slim SEO activated

Now you need to add license key to use the plugin.