Adding a license key​
Before using Slim SEO Schema, you need to add your license key. Go to Settings > Slim SEO and click the License tab, then enter the license key in the input box:
Then click Save Changes to validate the license key. If your license key is valid and your license is active, you can start adding schemas. Otherwise, you'll see a notification in the admin area to update the license key.
What happens if my license expires?​
- You won't receive any updates or bug fixes from us
- You can't access to our support
- You won't be able to add or edit schemas in the admin
- The existing schemas that you already setup for your site won't be outputted in the front end
Can I define the license key in wp-config.php
Yes, you can. Please define your license key as follows:
define( 'SLIM_SEO_SCHEMA_KEY', 'your license key here' );
In this case, the plugin won't save the license key in the database and hide it from all eyes.