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Adding a license key​

Before using Slim SEO Schema, you need to add your license key. Go to Settings > Slim SEO and click the License tab, then enter the license key in the input box:

Add license key in Slim SEO Schema

Then click Save Changes to validate the license key. If your license key is valid and your license is active, you can start adding schemas. Otherwise, you'll see a notification in the admin area to update the license key.


What happens if my license expires?​

  • You won't receive any updates or bug fixes from us
  • You can't access to our support
  • You won't be able to add or edit schemas in the admin
  • The existing schemas that you already setup for your site won't be outputted in the front end

Can I define the license key in wp-config.php?​

Yes, you can. Please define your license key as follows:

define( 'SLIM_SEO_SCHEMA_KEY', 'your license key here' );

In this case, the plugin won't save the license key in the database and hide it from all eyes.