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LinkedIn Tags

Like Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn also uses a set of meta tags to provide details about a page when sharing it on LinkedIn. With these details, your page will be displayed beautifully in a social media card.

Similar to Facebook and Twitter Card, LinkedIn tags are auto generated. It's important to understand that LinkedIn supports Open Graph. So, it's redundant to output the duplicated tags.

Instead, Slim SEO only output needed tags. Here is the reference:

titleTitle: uses Open Graph tag og:title.
imageImage: uses Open Graph tag og:image.
descriptionDescription: uses Open Graph tag og:description.
datePublication date

How to change LinkedIn tags programmatically?​

There are 2 filters to change the LinkedIn's author and date tags:


Both filters accepts the current value (string) as the parameter and must return a string.

For example, if you want to remove the author tag, use the following snippet:

add_filter( 'slim_seo_linkedin_author', '__return_empty_string' );