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Twitter Card Tags

Like Facebook Open Graph Tags, Twitter uses a set of meta tags called Twitter Card to provide the Twitter crawler information about a page.

Similar to Facebook Open Graph tags, Twitter Card tags are auto generated. Slim SEO uses Summary Card with Large Image, so the posts appear beautifully and more attractive on Twitter.

It's important to understand that Twitter Card supports Open Graph. So, it's redundant to output the duplicated tags.

Instead, Slim SEO only output needed tags. Here is the reference:

twitter:cardCard type: always summary_large_image.
twitter:titleTitle: uses Open Graph tag og:title.
twitter:descriptionDescription: uses Open Graph tag og:description.
twitter:imageImage: uses Open Graph tag og:image.
twitter:image:altImage alt text: uses Open Graph tag og:image:alt.

How to change the image when sharing on Twitter?​

By default, Slim SEO uses the featured image as the thumbnail when sharing a single post/page/term on Twitter.

However, if the featured image is not optimized for Twitter (for example, the size is not correct), then you might want to use another image. To do that, simply select another image in the Search Engine Optimization meta box, below the content:

Change the image when sharing on Twitter

The recommended size for image when sharing on Twitter is 1200x600 pixels.

Homepage settings

If you set your homepage as a static page, then the plugin treats it like a normal page. SEO settings for the homepage won't be available in the plugin settings (Settings > Slim SEO). Instead, they will be available below the editor when you edit the homepage.

How to change Twitter image programmatically?​

To change the Twitter image with code, please use this snippet:

add_filter( 'slim_seo_twitter_card_image', function( $image ) {
return '';
} );